Today was mothers day and my mom being the great mother she is came along with my dad and I to my mountain bike race rather then enjoying her day. I raced as expert men so it was kinda cool being along side some of Canada's top mountain bikers. The course was SUPER MUDDY!!! They had 50mm of rain the night before so there was a ton of mud. There where about 5 parts that you needed to get off your bike and push threw thick mud. It really played a big factor in the race because it ate at the legs big time. Long Story Short I rode strong for 3 laps and in the last lap really stated to hurt. I am in some good shape right now and ready to go hard at the Waterloo dauthlon. Dave Sharratt and I have been talking about it for weeks!
Go Canns Go they are losing 2-0 right now don't worry Dave they can do it