Sunday, May 4, 2008

5km + 200m = 16:45

My 5km this morning went well. The weather was cold and really windy. The Big head winds didn't slow me down to much I ran throw the first 1km at 3:07 right where I should be. I was sitting right behind 1 place till about 3km mark that's when there was a gap. My 3km time was 9:45. All in all I had a good day, beside almost being hit my a car!

I am in way better shape then I was last year and I didn't start to slow down till that last km. The race was 200m long so my 5km time was 16:02 but my 5.2km time is 16:47. I ended up 3rd over all and I'm up $50 cash and a new 4GB ipod nano! I'm staring to feel like a pro! haha