Tuesday, June 17, 2008


So I raced Muskoka and well who ever left that comment was right...I got smashed by Yorke (awesome swim and bike Andrew!!). I had an ok swim, but my bike was crap...that was the worst i have biked all year i am very disappointed in my bike. The run wasn't pretty, I just had nothing...all the long hard bricks did a number on me and my legs. I hope to have a better race in Guelph!
The other thing I wanted to talk about is my new Guru! My old one had a few problems so the great people from Guru http://www.gurubikes.com/enCA/main.php are fixing it and repainting the frame see the picture!

Swimming was great this morning.

12x 50m free 25 one arm
3x 350m on 6:00 1-3
200m easy back
4x 350m on 5:30 all hard
200m easy back
