Well I am done Daft Legal for the year and all in all I will call it a great building year. I know I still have work to do with my swim but I can not hang my head on my cycling and running.
The race started not so good for me, I got swam over 2 times and got a heel right into the jaw. I then kinda found a grove I came out of the water in 10:05 so I was 10
seconds faster then last year. Its nice to know I am making head way. I got onto the bike and started to hammer we stared out being the 3rd pack back but then bridged up to the the 2nd pack (there was a group of 3 ahead of the first pack)I ended up doing alot of the pace making and getting the group to work. On the run I felt slow on the first lap but then really started to feel good on the second lap I ran a 17:15 and was 19th overall. I am happy with my race I worked hard all the way threw and never gave up. I do remember saying that I was sick of getting blow by on the run and I worked all winter and spring on my run its nice to see it pay off. Last year I would run about 18:30 off the bike now I can run about 45sec faster. I still have some longer distance triathlon comming up so I have alot more trianing to do.
Like I said last year I was sick of everyone passing me on the run. I am sick of swimming slow! I will look at this post over and over agian for the rest of the summer and off season I am going to be swimming 30 seconds faster and make first chase pack. I know that if I really put my mind to it i can do it!